Happy Halloween :) ~

I'm sick right now so I don't feel like eating :( i want candy so bad tho :'''((((
things I did on the weekend:
work all day of fri since 8am, go to costume party at night 'til 2am got home at 3am
work all day on sat since 10am, run errands...
work all day on sunday since 8am - hhn at night 'past midnight
today rest/study and treat myself with internet shopping lol !!!!
tomorrow I'll work all day as well + study lol


It was amazing... surreal.... I can't believe I was there
my brain still not functioning properly, my mind wonders to where I saw them about 2 feet away from me, all of them.... can't forget their faces
They are so beautiful and gorgeous
Taemin touched my freaking hand I don't even know how it happen but he did, I proceed to freak out lol my hand was shaking after that.
Kyuhyun waved at me, and Eunhyuk looked at me but it only was for like a second unlike Kyuhyun were he practically raised his head and I was right in front of him.
The rest I saw them like super close they are pretty skinny and some of them are pretty tall ex. Changmin and Kangta. Pretty much everybody is taller than me (i'm about 5'4") except Boa she's pretty tiny and she was wearing heels lol.
Some of the SNSD girls and some guys didn't have make up and it didn't look good they had major dark circles.
Luna from F(x), Super Junior and Taemin were the most friendly when we were outside waiting for them
I'm still freaking out for real !!!
It was a great experience and can't wait to do it again !!!!!!


a cold + funny mom ~

why why am i sick???? !!!!
not completely sick but i have a runny nose or should i say a runny nostril coz is only one freacking nostril like wtf so weird uggghhhh
I can't handle it !!!! it makes me sneeze so muchhhhh >.< *going crazy*
I hope I get better the concert is only a few days away ;__;

So I was showing my mom who I am going to see at the concert :D
So I show her A-cha video, then Mr. Simple she starts dancing loooooooool, then Shinee, then I showed SNSD and she's nooo I don't like them I only like the guys....... hahahahah oh mom
I agree..... I have nothing against SNSD but they are just not my cup of tea, in terms of girl groups Miss A are my faves~~

Be Mine

I'm kinda addicted to this song right now I don't know........ i think is the jahhh and OH! parts lol

also guy at 0:45-0:47 looks like someone I know at least in this particular video and it's weeeeeeeeeeird lol
I love his eyes so 'chinky' is soooo cute ♥

paid off ~~

I finally received the results of my tests I must said that for studying 3 weeks worth of material in just one day, I'm very proud of my grades I got high 80s !!!! I mean they are obviously not As but I really shouldn't be asking for more since I'm really don't study properly and procrastinate to the max sigh sighhhhh.....

In any case I'm thankful for my good memory ;___; 

in other news I'm feeling slightly sick as I'm catching /about to catch a bad cold, this is the worst !!!!! SMTown concert is on like 5 days -___- fml 

slow ~~~

my internet is so slow it interrupts my studying ahhh so i downloaded the mp3 which it makes it harder to concentrate but i have to do what i have to do in order to at least listening some example my teacher says -__-

no sleeping for me tonight i have work tomorrow the whole day (10hours) and I won't have time to study ughh I don't know why I decided to take a shift but at least i'm getting a little of money.
So gonna fail


Is it wrong loving to hug people???
 I love love love hugging people and getting a hug in return, to me it has nothing to do with been attracted to someone is just an act i like to do, I like the feeling it gives me.
I like to hug people I care about and that i'm close to but sometimes is hard to just go and hug forever your 'guy' friend because I hate when people start making rumors about it.
ehhh just because I hug a guy doesn't mean i'm interested in them, people are just so judgmental sometimes -__-

anyways as always I shall keeping studying because I have a test mmm when I do not??????  *O* and I already wasted time by going to celebrate my ate's birthday!!!! which was really fun <3 I really love my friends and the people i'm close to :)

btw been absent frrom school makes me realize how many new people have pop up I don't know like half of them lmaooooo


I hate it,
I hate it with a passion
I hate that I can't concentrate and have to randomly go on the internet
I'm obviously failing this test
tho I  hope for a miracle


On the other hand my social life is almost non-existent, I live too far to drive where my friends live/college area..... thinking about moving out but I don't wanna expend my savings ;___; ughhhh decisions decisions....

WGM LeeTeuk & Kang Sora ~

I don't really watch We Got Married but I decided to watch because a friend who love WGM said it was funny and because my bb Eunhyuk was there for a little :P
anyways it was actually really funny and really awkward hahaha, I was jiggling like a high school girl and thinking about how these situation happens to me when I don't really know what to talk about or when I like someone. ahhh >.<
Here's the link where you can watch it with subs scroll down and they have uploaded it in several hosting sites no youtube tho sowwy Watch me Watch me!!!!

I love love eunhyuk's comments heheh It just shows how gentleman he is :P
Narsha comment made me crack up
Hyungs comments were sad but true XD

Anyways it was really fun, and it's not too long either about 30minutes i think Idk it's worth it!!!!

Also SJ-M I love them forever!!!
Eunhyuk bartending! obviously he knows nothing about alcohol hahaha

acne & make-up ~

After my mom telling me that I look horrible with make up and that I look better without using foundation .... I started to wonder~
truth is my acne was subsided by a lot, I'm not covered by cystic acne... I can actually count how many active pimples I have, I do have a lot of blackheads especially on my nose and forehead but other than that my face is so so much better, yet I have a lot red marks and scars and big pores, really deep scars that makes it look as if I still have acne and it bothers me.
That's the only reason why I wore make-up, I felt like makeup covered up my imperfections and in fact it sort of does but I just hate how it looks it's never the right color I have a weird color to match, it leaves me so greasy looking and doesn't last enough, it turns my red scars into a brown-ish color and in sinks into my skin as I have deep scars it just makes them look worse. But I always went back to make up because it made me feel more secure and covered up!!
But I came to the realization that indeed it just made me look so goddamn awful, as of now i'm wearing a powder really mildly to control the oil, i think i look so much better that way. Also I yesterday I received some mineral make-up samples that I need to try to find my color shade, all in all I feel like my skin looks so much more better, less irritated and more glowly and healthier.
I'm not gonna be the kinda of person who blames their acne on make-up because tbh I think makeup only intervenes with the healing process but I do feel better wearing less.

Of course I can't leave make-up completely because I still need to cover at least some of my ugliness lol and I do enjoy changing my look, so I looked up some natural/organic/vegan make up lines.
Now no way in hell I believe everything companies advertise is truth, I'm not naive! yes there's some things that are better that regular make-up but not everything, is important to read the labels and search about the ingredients and also i'm not rich enough to expend so much money in make-up so I try to rationalize and be smart about my decisions.

I would say...look for balance, not too much, maybe a hump to make u feel better, and of course less is better.

as of now I feel compiled to trow away all those foundations and make-up i don't really use but my mom is not letting me lol wth

shock !!!

If any remembers my old blog, you could see that I was a very dedicated and loyal NEWS fan... I bought a lot of stuff from them in order to support them....
I started being a fan since april 2007, it's been a long time and of course my love switched over to other groups and of course I haven't been such a dedicated fan because I had a lot of stuff to do.. university/job/social life/etc ....

Even tho I didn't followed them anymore I was still shocked to find out about Yamapi and Ryo leaving NEWS, it never occurred to me, I always thought that even if Yamapi had solo activities he would still come back to NEWS.

I don't feel any strong feeling towards any of the members as like I said I don't follow what they do anymore.... but I think the fans that feel hurt and what not had every right to feel what they feel, some people get attached to what they like and react differently you can't ask them to feel certain way.

I personally do think is quite a douche move from Yamapi, I don't care what are his real reasons and like many said... he doesn't sound like he even cares. Ryo well I never really liked him in the first place and if he had a reason to opt out of NEWS good for him. Good luck to both in their future.

Also good luck to the new NEWS i think it'll be hard for them and it's saddening but I really hope they can get thru this and also to the fans, I offer a big hug because I know it must be hard to let go but at this moment there's nothing one can do about other than support the remaining left.

with love,
a former NEWS fan. 

I'll be a _______ on Halloween !!!

ok ok I'll say it.........
I'll be a maid
reason why is because even tho I was eyeing this sexy outfit, I feel like I didn't want to show that much skin so I went for a more conservative outfit ~
But is still in the mail so tbh I don't know how cute, good or bad will look on me so I really can't wait to try it, one of the things that bother me was that it was under lingerie category!!! so I'm like why??? is it too short in real life or maybe too sheer?? idk it was really cheap... main reason why i bought it but if it's too sheer that's not good hahaha
we'll see can't wait to try it on ~ 

Halloween Horror Nights Review ~


Based on my experience.....
First of all I just wanna say that I'm a 'scary' cat so when I got there I was really reluctant to go in and wanted to go back home lol
All in all i really enjoyed it, I'm proud of myself that even tho they did scared me on some parts I didn't scream the shit out of me hahahaha

Second I haven't done all of the houses as of yet because I had to meet my other friend, wait for my other friends, etc.

So I only did 5 houses (out of 8) and 5 scarezones (out of 6), I didn't do the shows unfortunately.

First house I went is called "The Thing" and as the title says is the one base on the new movie by the same name~ it's located by the NY 'library'
description from HHN:
" Inspired by the new thriller, paranoia spreads among a group of Antarctic researchers as the encounter a creature that has the ability to turn itself into an exact replica of any living being"

this house is basically the alien one, both 'humans' and aliens will try to scare you, I wanna notice that the humans look like waxed figures O_O I really liked that makeup effect, so random alien breathing stuff along the walls of the house and random alien creepy people trying to scare you... you might get sprayed water on the face .... which I have no idea where it came from but it makes it look like it came from the alien face. and more alien things hanging out from the ceiling and stuff... which you have to walk underneath... the 'humans' have pretty loud guns which 'fire' pretty close to ur face and this might scare you in order to kill the aliens on the opposite side.

Second house was "H.R Bloodengutz presents Holidays of Horror", this one is located by Beetlejuice.
"Join creature feature host, H.R. Bloodengutz, in his final televised broadcast as he presents a SCARE-thon of holiday based horror"
while doing the line there's a video showing you what I suppose is H.R Bloodengutz, he looks like an old-school vampire.
Like the tittle said is themed with U.S holidays... Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas (might missing something but I don't remember lol).
you are kinda walking through different rooms that show you the different holidays, the guy at easter scared me coz it came out of nowhere from around a table? with stuff that looked like ducks to me but it might be bunnies or something... lol, for the 4th of july I didn't get scared as much it seemed that the girl there was cutting someone??, the thanksgiving part was kinda nasty the 'turkey' was like someone all bended and cooked yuck! there's a girl scaring you dressed up as an indian and she has a knife, and the smell is so freacking disgusting idk what it is but it made me gack, christmas is yucky too, santa is decapitated on a corner and the elves are freaky ugly.
Idk what I remember most about the house was the horrible smell and a lot of blood everywhere (as in walls, people in the tables killed, etc).

After this i was about to get in into "Nevermore" which is located between Men in Black and the Simpsons ride, but I had to meet up with my friend, so I left the line and friends and walked by myself towards the front of the park. Unfortunately to get to the front of the park I had to walk through the scarezones, I skipped the one called "Canyon of Dark Souls" by walking around (Animal Actor's stadium?) but then I there was another scarezone which I couldn't avoid.......

The scarezone is called "Grown Evil"
description: " Nature has taken this well-manicured garden back from the humans who once kept it"
So I was like oh crap do I really have to go by myself ahhh I so stood there for a couple of minutes, I was like okay i'll just either ask someone to cross it with me or camouflage but nobody was getting in instead they were coming out until I saw a big family so I was like I have to go in... so I went right behind them, this one is really dark and there's a lot of steam, so as I covered my nose and walked it seemed there wasn't many actors in here but most of them were in stills, when they streched their arms they had bat wings, I keep looking at one coz I wanted to see the mask but it was too dark lol so I keep looking at him(?) and he decided to scare me I just stepped back a little but I continued walking 'til i made it outside.

So I got my friend we walked all the way down again and waited 'til my co-workers came out from the 3D house "The in Between" (which i really wanted to go >.<)
so we walked back towards Jaws where the house "Saws n' Steam into the machine" was.
description: " Spinning blades and crushing pistons threaten your every steo as you're forced deeper intp the bowels of a mechanical nightmare"
This one is really loud and trippy lol there's a lot of flashing lights and it was so loud (loudness wise reminded me of twister), there's not many masks here either and I think there's only guys as actors and most of them are half-naked.... anyways, for some reason they keep targering me I got blowed air at least twice and then one of them with a chainsaw didn't wanna let me keep going since he stood right in front of me -_- I just kept looking at the chainsaw.. I'm not going to continue moving if you're not moving the chainsaw from my way! anyways they keep trying to scare me but the only ones who scared me where the big bloddy guys and the whatever crushed bloddy things along the wall waaahh disgusting, btw they might or might not come out of the house and chase you with the chainsaw lol at the end I was dizzy.

From jaws we walked toward the house by Twister, but my friend decided they wanted to see lady luck so they went into the scarezone called "Your Luck has run out"
"Enter if you dare into the lair of the LUCKY. Your choices will determine if you make it out alive!"
Is in the alley by the mummy ride, here is the theme of this year's hhn, there's several lady luck along the alley wearing a green dress like in the commercial, along the alleys there's killed people who appearently were gambling or something like that, the ladies come out from their respective place and try to scare you when they make sounds it seems like the have mics attached because it comes out pretty loud, along with them there's the guys I saw by Shrek who try to scare you too but they are not scary to me XD

anyways so we turn around and go back and try to get in the twister house but somehow we lost half of our group when we got into that alley.... lol so we decided to go into the twister house anyways BUT we had to walk through another scarezone to get into that one >.<

so the next scarezone is called "Acid Rain"
"Degrading from the effects of acid rain, those that have survived the blistering decay are all alone in the city"
They are wearing clothes like people who live in the streets do but their faces are all melted and red, some of them are carrying shopping carts, there's a lot of them here sometimes they are walking and sometimes they run towards you, it's kinda scary, one girl whispered 'mmm meat' by my ear...., watch out there's a scareactor in a wheelchair!

So we finally made it to the twister house!!! it's called " Nightingales Blood Prey"
"Patrolling WWI-era trenches, you discover you're more than just at war... you're being hunted by savage, shape-shifting banshees."
there's a soap? machine at the beginning of the line and you have to go thru the twister line. They almost separated our group but they let us in all together at the end, which made me be the last one in line O_O so i had to switch places coz what if they come from behind me!!!, there's two types of scareactors here the banshees and the soldiers, the banshees have nurse/nun like attire but they have creepy teeth, at the beggining the first one was creepy it seems like she didn't have her legs complete but she still moved them around i don't know how to explain it but she was on the top of a wall, random soldiers come from their hidding and fire the banshees which are on the opposite side of the walkthrough, most of them (the banshees) come from the top of the walls down towards you which is creepy, towards the end there's one flying on top of you... if you look up is like she's just hanging :S
what I didn't like is that is hard to walk coz you feel the floor like you're walking on rocks.

After this my co-workers already went through all the houses but they decided to do the first one again, is called "Winter's Night, the hunting of Hawthorn Cementery"
description: "As snow falls in this serene gothic cemetery, spirits of the deceased rise from their graves... their ghostly sighs firmly set upon you".
the entrance is at hollywood plaza which is where they usually hold concerts (by Rock It), this one to me is really pretty at the beginning there's statues of angels and stuff (like in a cemetery) snow is falling which makes it really cold, and then you have to walk through this big gates, there's tombs and more statues which are scareactors if you don't pay attention, there's some dead people rising from their tombs and you have to watch out from the holes of the walls since they actors stick their arms through it, a lot of ghostly like scareactors which scream around, I was like WOOOOO and AHHHHH the whole time hahah, you can actually see your breath because is quite cold inside.

After this we decided to leave but do more scarezone in the way ORZ, so we went to the one by shrek called "Nightmaze"
This one is pretty cool again it has lots of flashing lights which makes the scareactors which are all dressed up in black dissappear unless you have good night-vision... like the description says the maze does shift and changes which i find pretty cool and awesome! when they try to scare you they make weird piggy sounds.

After this we went around towards the next scarezone by Terminator is called "7"
in this one there 7 girls in pretty shiny dresses some of them have mask and some of them don't they are dancing around on individual stages, while really loud metal music plays in the background (marylin mason or something like that), there was a really slutty one, there was one with a snake (idk if it was real or not), one of them had a sofa (?) on her stage, one of them had a knife and not many people would get close to her, etc... the people who are trying to scare you are their bodyguards (or pimps?) and some rocker guys or something like that, pretty cool tbh

So that's it for my review!!!!!
Things worth to be mentioned"
since i went of preview night the lines were not that long but they were built to be really long!!!!
Snacks/kioks/bars tend to be pretty crowded~
There's korean BBQ place :9
watch out for the extra especial effect like the crumbling of the building at the NY-area where "acid rain' is located.
the scarezones didn't work during daylight, you have to wait 'til is dark and that's when they'll come out~
For some reason cellphone signal is quite low (so try not to get lost lol)
Even tho the entrace to the park is not suppose to be a scarezone the guys in mask from the luck alley walk around there and they try to scare you!.
How to avoid scarezones? go to 'The Thing' and 'Nightitales~' before it turns dark, then you can avoid scarezones by turning at Monster Cafe and walking all the way down around the lake (left side) as if you were going towards Jaws!!!~ according to the map people at the luck alley are suppose to go all the way out but when I was there they stayed at the alley.
There's a fireball in the middle of the lake by the bridge close to simpsons ride.
Most of the park is pretty freaking dark, they either turned most of the lights off or they'll be dim and red-colored.

PS. This is when I went for the employee preview night, they said that some of the effects might not being full out since it was only a test show~ as nights continue to pass by it gets scarier and scarier since actors and people who work there kinda get the hang of what people get scare of and use it more.
I haven't gone back yet as I'm really busy with schoool, test test everyday -___- but hopefully i'll do the other houses !!!!

credits: hhn website/pamphlet 
Super Junior - The 3rd Asia Tour: Super Show 3 (2DVD + Photobook + Folded Poster) (Korea Version)

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