For Fruits Basket~

Fruits Basket is my favorite manga of all times! I haven't watch the anime yet however I loooooooooove the music~

ahhhh so pretty <3333333>
the name of this song is For フルーツバスケット by 岡崎律子
(For Furutso Basuketto by Okazaki Ritsuko)

Ritsuko-san had such a lovely voice, she must be proud of her music from heavens~ 

you can buy the soundtrack here:
click the yesasia icon :)

Found it !

Hello everyone I found the complete season of sailor moon japanese audio with english subtitles yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy

For those who have been struggling to find just like me, this is great :D
These are unlisted video codes so you'll probably will have to click on each in order to watch them:

Sailor Moon (1st season)

Summer break is for....


 Tsuki ni kawatte oshioki yo!!!!

I finished reading the manga and woah that was short lol
currently watching the anime  (re-watching)..... is quite different from the manga and I'm not sure which one I like the best, I have to say I think they are different...
One thing that bothers me tho is how much their personalities changed for some characters like Mamoru, he's such a jerk in the anime at least the first season that I can't even, and Rei no no she's supposed to not be interested in guys at all so the fact that she "dates" Mamoru before Usagi is just *barfs* that bothers me, however the anime is way more funny and is more extended and fun~
but I'm only in the eposide 35ish in the anime and I have a long way to go to even compare it right now~

I'm excited for the new anime even tho I really love the original one, the fact that is gonna be closer to the manga gives me butterfly feelings lol, tho I hope is a little more extended so we know more back story of other characters aka other than Usagi's, I have to admit that while the manga is awesome is pretty fast paced and you are like ok that's it??? 
They should include Usagi and Haruka's "relationship" in the new anime, I don't know how would it be handled since obviously they are both girls but I wanna see a kiss please and thank you.

click for larger image~

well that's all for now I shall go back to relax before work.                

jaaa mata ne ^_~ 

Did not forget ~

I haven't forgotten I still have this blog, I know that I stopped writing a while ago but I'm thinking on picking it up again....
the main reason why I obviously stopped was because of school, school will be over soon and I'm sure I'll have enough time to share my thoughts once again~

I really miss updating a blog so why not come back, I don't wanna delete this blog ^_~

so time to rant shall we??

The reason why I like to keep a blog is because it reminds of the things that I truly like and I don't wanna forget, I've been a big time procrastinator and regret many things, however I realize that I can't dwell on the past because there's still the present that I have to keep on living....

I admit that I don't have the problems that many people have and I relatively speaking I'm very lucky, however that doesn't necessarily translate to happiness... many times when I think about my desires and my aspirations, I think I'm not good enough, when in comes to my personal life I hate to push myself but I always care for what other people think of me and therefore I try to be better but personally I just feel like laying around without not doing anything... ahhhh I'm very lazy ~

Mmmm my love life is not existent I don't know how to explain it but I think I learn how to be by myself, yes I see guys and think woah that guy is really handsome or cute or whatever but I can't think anything beyond that, matter of fact many times I think on how annoying would it be to have a boyfriend! I feel like it would waste my "precious" time .... so I guess I don't really look or search for romance.... bleh I'm gonna end up a nun lol

School... school oh how I hate school, how I feel that it doesn't impact my life the way I want it to ...i'll be done soon and I have no idea what I'll do and all that leaves me with is with good fun memories and a big loan... sighs~

In any case I am happy because I decided that I should continue on been happy despite not been at my very best~ :P

well guys hopefully I'll see ya around ~
Super Junior - The 3rd Asia Tour: Super Show 3 (2DVD + Photobook + Folded Poster) (Korea Version)

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