Happy Birthday to MatsuJun

Happy B-Day dear MatsuJun-san :) don't think i forget about his birthday cause he's my favorite actor (gomenasai yamapi but he is ^-^!) anyways so what can I say MatsuJun you are the one who got me into JE without you I wouldn't have know all the guys i know now including YamaPi, i can't forget Gokusen cause it was so much crack and because you were so bad ass on Hana Yori Dango that I was hating and loving you at the same time lol and now happy 24 birthday you're old for me but I don't care you're mean but I love that and thanks to you we have Jin vs Jun, Domyouji Tsukasa wouldn't be that if he wasn't you and Hana Yori Dango is my favorite Japanese Drama thanks for that too! and you make the best pet ever I want a Momo yay!

Keep the good work you're a really good actor hope you get more and more lead roles, even though i don't like Arashi songs (i mean singing prefer them hosting) you make me like them like Wish and Love So Sweet ... I also like A-Ra-Shi ... for dream hahaha I don't know what to say more about you but you were the first JE boy I liked and I won't forget that, thanks to you I met the love of my life = YamaPi

Happy Birthday ... i want more dramas from you ♥

now some pics cause he want to see the guy :)

Tegoshi in Peru

my gosh i can not believe myself for been so careless in not updating my blog I'm a bad girl anyways ok so all of you know I was in Peru then I came back to do the last things to go to college so couples of lines here and there and got almost 4 000 dollars pretty good huh i won't pay back yay! so you know time is what I need, but don't think I'll forget ya'll so where to start i don't have latest news maa I have to share cause I have to and neeed too!! yay...

So TEGOSHI was in PERU i can't believe when i saw it I was like what what what WHAT?? i was there too and couldn't f*@#^ see you?? nande i've been a good girl is not fair and he went to Nasca pretty close where the earthquake was....

Is on 24hrs TV i don't know what is the show about but like different artist go and i don't know what they do but they stay 24hrs long so in Tegoshi case he went to Peru cause there was this little boy who's deaf, the little boy wanted to see "Las lineas de Nasca" so he went with Tegoshi and they see it also they make their own drawing with some peruvian kids and they see it from the helicopter, you know that i haven't yet visited some of this places i'm feeling like a bad peruvian yo! ~~~~

OK these are the videos of Tego and the little kid on Nasca: *feeling proud* good story too!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

There also MY NEWS CM RUSS-K and the song they sing is like really different me like it te hee ♥ well obviously if is NEWS it has to be good :) *smiles* song is called WEEK i want a NEWS single now!!! or an album

and this one is only YamaPi+Koyama+Massu OMG KOYAPI Rabu!~~~

I think this is all for now is just that my head is into college right now i'm getting like nervious i don't know tomorrow my first class ok see ya laterz ♥ remember to share NEWS LOVE oks

and vote for your favorite NEWS member and I'll do a pic spam of the winner :) good luck!

NEWS scans (october)

la la la love news la la la well I'm happy and all thanks to news even though i dunno about college lol i'm so carefree about that i think i'll work i want to not only because i want money but because i don't wanna get stick on my bed i don't like to feel useless so yeah maybe a part time job *go searching*
so this month is going to end soon reaaally and i'm back to florida friday that's right my vacations are coming to an end and I don't want who wants to end a wonderful vacations i don't see the hands in the air that sucks ne?? well what can I do the airplane ticket is expensive yo! that's what i want to work....

back to NEWS my love they bring me happiness how was your DVD wonderful ne?? yes that's what I though so.... I love it too and I own you my commentaries mmm maybe next post :p

but what make me happy now were the scans yeah new NEWS scans that bring smiles on my face :)

ok here they are bringing smiles on your faces too!! ;D
oh yamapi marry me pleaseeeee!!!! *faints*
tegoshi ima kill you why are you fkayefoarefcagvgb uber gorgeous why???.... you should have been a girl instead... oh no wait a minute that would be too pretty never mind stay as a pretty boy!!!massu kawaii i'll never stop saying that cho kawaii makes me go kyaaa!!! eto but those muscles teheee ♥ loving them :p etoo keep smiling ryo (sexy osaka man) thank you that you decided to go back to black i know you didn'tliked the blonde hair cause you used a hat to covered it up for shounen club you can't lie to meee hehehe well i'm glad you went back that's all... thinking about blonde hair you looked good in the dvd even with blonde that's how hot you really are.kei-chan what can i say about you, you have make me fall in love for you (after yamapi of course) this pics is i dunno kind like... chotto matte are you racing against a taxi oh no! that's dangerous be carefull my kei-chan and don't forget to incline your head everytime you get on to some kind of transportation don't think i forget the time you hit your head on the helicopter (news nippon dvd) and on the train ( never ending wonderful story dvd)... the cause we all though you were on crack (<- watch never ending wonderful story for more detail)oh shige i know why you are smiling is cause you are fishing ne?? but what are you exactly trying to catch... fishes or people's attention?? 'cause when you put that between your legs it gets me other ideas (oh here i go again pervy nooo...)
my Pi = my Love when i come to you i get wordless that's right is not enough for me to say that you are the hottest man that i've ever seen in my life and if you don't like him is better for me less competition ;P i'm happy i got a key ring with your face on it oh and don't call me obsessed just call me yamapi's girlfriend.

i dunno what is about but just commenting on massu that's what happens when you eat to much so be careful out there peoples the continuation of the first page and there is tegoshi in his one man play that i talk about before
hahaha oh baby NEWS oh my chooo cute, kawaii, bellos, lindos, preciosos mmmm what elseeee?? well massu hehe his hair hehe it reminds me a mushroom and tegoshi his hair he was so little ahhh but wait why that's not baby ryo i want baby ryo well never mind!! cute too!!yamapi O_O so cute and so like a girl and so cute i want a baby from yamapi kya!!! (etooo sorry for the excitement here) kei-chan aww so he was choby once is in his life and shige cuttie cutie :)
And here is the proof that my babes got from cute to hot in a few years see it for yourself :
(believe it cause is true)

chotto matte why the separate koyato and ryopi why?? well at least the leave tegomass together but why???....

more cute Baby NEWS and cause we all what to see how our babies will look like (remember yamapi is mine)

my babies faces .....

and my babies bodies....

so sorry you can see very well that one i guess i`ll zoom it them next time but this one is about NEWS member sizes the normal ones height, weight and wait they're no girl i guess japan likes to that with guys hips, arms, hand??, waist, chest and yeah they are skinny but wth who cares they are cute anyways is just me or did kei-chan grown up by a centimeter well they are short but not as kanjani8 (subaru and yassu especifically.. don't kill me kanjani8 fans i like kanjani8 too)

credits to my girl vendy @ http://vendy.blog3.petitmall.jp/ go and thank her for this wonderful pics :)

all the pics deserve ♥♥♥♥♥ hearts viva NEWS !!!! lots of love to them from Peru!

NEWS never ending wonderful story documentary vids :)

Hi, I'm coming just for a while to updated this site well as you may know there was an earthquake over here but don't worry i'm fine actually i wasn't even scare but it was horrible for some people specially the place where was most affected but as we can control that kind of happening so we just have to be prepared.

moving on i want to comment my favorite parts of the DVD cause yes even if i'm busy i have to no matter what maybe some of you already have watched it specially NEWS fans did you have fun as I did??? oh yes !!! so mmm where to start i dunno so many wonderful things ughhh what to do well i guess for the documentary i have commented before about the documentary but now with clips i won't comment a lot though..... i think

this is crack everyone that i show this they just laugh their asses off no seriously they do and you have to agree this is too funny!!! i didn't stop laughing specially the daite senorita part cause we all love that song yay!!! but seriously i though drugs were illegal in japan apparently not hahaha they are just crack as everybody says i think i have hear it so many times that i have to say that too! ♥

i'm wondering if they learned some english or engrish (whichever is best for them) already because in this one tegoshi were saying words in english yes i know everyone can say that but why while tegoshi's doing his magic act?? (or wherever you call what he did) why is shige the one who gets picked on??? well for me the magic was when yamapi disappeared yeah please try to not look at tegoshi in his white robe with and horrible hair (not saying his hair is horrible just looking) at first yamapi was sitting there after he dissappeared and i BELIEVE that, I though when shige was in the chairs and tegoshi take out the chair from the middle his pants looked funny like he has a big booty or something like that and tegoshi said i miss... (wondering if he knew what he was saying) and then massu i miss you (oh really massu i can't say i miss you too but i wish) then i guess he realize that what he said got nothing to do with tegoshi's saying

mmm Onsen is that onsen only for guys?? ohh damn i wish to be there oh no what am I saying?? this guys are making pervy noo i must stop seeing this not do you think i'm that stupid hahaha like i'm gonna blow away the opportunity so i guess i have to thank my dear yamapi to think about filming on the onsen then koyama thanks for filming yamapi and ryo taking a bath and so on!!! but i have to tell you when yamapi jumped you shouldn't have done that you know you might have got more fans that will thank you for showing yamapi's... but oh well .... thank you anyways and yamapi what and exhibitionist what if koyama didn't jumped we might have seen well maybe not maybe like a censured thingy; i already know how your butt looks like oh yeah so we need to see the front (no i'm not pervy i'm just curious) but i know that'll never happened thanks god we have imagination! and ryo oh so do you guys walk actually naked around each other?? i think japan is like that but it would feel weird if that happened here cause my mom says is the same with girls and i'm like hell no a girl is gonna watch me naked hell nooo! moving on shige was showing too much leg i was like afraid it would show something more ;) i think afraid isn't the right word :P

this was the rehearsal for massu's solo pumpkin yamapi started dancing really weird then shige the real choreography then tegoshi and i just loved how tegoshi looked like * i went kyaaa * sooo ahh no words then ryo starts filming cause is the turn of keii-chan to dance and he wanted the central place but too bad for him he was yelled at (not in a mean way though) and he just got scare?? oh my i don't even know how to describe their reactions cause there're like a mix of i dunno what sooo yeah someone understand what i'm trying to say.... nevermind me by the way i just love pumpkin (the song).

well now i think i'm done with this for nowww i have more and more and not stop but yeah this is all for now to bad ne?? cause i love to talk (or write) and I love NEVER ENDING WONDERFUL STORY and we all love NEWS!!! I do ♥♥

oh and to don't forget massu is gonna be in this je unit I'm not sure though i just saw them (he, hikaru from ya ya yah, a guy from v6, other guy, and an old guy) with weird costumes as always but it did surprise me when the old guy was wearing it too and they were eating ramen if i'm not wrong maybe a commercial but people says is a je unit i know is called tu-yu (pronounced like to you) but mmm need to search more. ok Bye ♥ love to all of you from Peru ♥

NEWS never ending wonderful story documentary links (veoh) :)

Taking a break from my trip I say hi this blog will be uptated on August 25 at that time i´ll be back and ready to give more stuff about NEWS :) so don´t worry it´s not a long waiting so i hope you understand me

but just cause i like to give stuff to my readers now i´ll post some link for those who can´t download the DVD :) for example is not your own computer don´t have space on your hard drive downloading stuff is too slow etc.

All i can say is that the DVD is awesome i don´t accept those peoples who are always complaining of this and that common you know how NEWS started and not in only 4 years they´re gonna be best buddies forever and ever cause that will be a lie all i can say is that they get along well and i don´t see they dislike each other maybe a little tension over here and there but that´s all and as yamapi said in shounen club premium he has started to love (not in this words though) towards the other members so please those hater who don´t like NEWS don´t look at them period but as always if you want to give your opinions please do so in a good way that the rest of the people don´t get offended.

Disk 1 Concert
edit: this link doesn`t work anymore

Disk 2 Concert
edit: this link doesn`t work either :(

I haven´t find this ones again for some reason they disappeared so i guess you only have to search in youtube.

Documentary Part 1

Documentary Part 2

Extra Documentary

Hope you have fun watching it as much as I did specially the documentary part
Minna gomenasai now that i´m in my trip i think i won´t be able to update this site as much as i want to even though i have material =( yeah i know sad cause i like to share what I have really I do as you know my love for NEWS is not selfish nor greedy so i hope you can understand, Ill try to put some things up but don`t wait to much from me :( but don´t forget to check it you never know .....

mean while you can search for the NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD on Veoh that´s all for now and enjoy =) is really good i give it 5 starts and even more support NEWS buying the DVD who`s spot in the Oricon Chart is number 1 and everything has a reason = the best DVD ever yeah i know i`m biased can`t help hope to write soon with more NEWS.

p.s : my trip was freaking long but everything went smoothly as always.

NEWS wo Abake w/ subs

yay i found the NEWS WO ABAKE clip on youtube with subs that's right babe i'm happy happy happy happy *cough cough* i'm sorry i can't help it.....

part 1

part 2

ahhhh omg i love news to death you should to eettooo but don't try to steal them from me oks cause i bite you know nuh just kidding i love NEWS fans you're welcome here ! ♥

seems like koyama was really popular ne?? haha lol XD shige talked a lot too!!! yamapi too cute for words ryo i loved his mask hahaha i just keep thinking he has his eyes like that under the mask

i'm sorry i'm posting a lot now sorry can't help this month is NEWS month for me will be NEWS year since they came back ♥ i'm overloaded with NEWS right ...no wonder seems like the internet is hating as well as my computer =] i can't believe i would even said sorry to my laptop gomenasai!! ah what i do without my laptop i would die hontou * i wan't my dvd goes to check yeasia* ok till tomorrow with more news for sure ... i'm thinking what would do if i liked more guys than just NEWS i wouldn't have a real life yo! i would be like stick to my laptop all day yeah i'm a crazy fan but i'm proud of it :)

Shounen Club links, NEWS DVD comments

Ohayo minna-san!!!!~~~~~

As you may noticed in my previous post this month is NEWS months and I hope keeps like this forever and ever ^-^ hai!!!!~~~~

ok should i start first from mmm i dunno ok let's start with NEWS wo ABAKE in Shounen Club :) as you may know they did this previously long time ago check my previous posts to see video with subs ;) and now they do it again yes!! and for a longer time =] i have watch it and NEWS is love yeah hahaha they're just to cute :)

so i'll post some links to see/download/read SHOUNEN CLUB (including NEWS wo ABAKE) with NEWS as guest you'll see some other juniors as well =)

http://community.livejournal.com/news_jpop/1159968.html to download in sendspace :) don't forget to thank her ;)

http://yamaperfection.livejournal.com/218975.html to download for megaupload or mediafire, thank her as well if you download :)

and this link for NEWS wo ABAKE translation (includes online video *for imeem users*) http://calpis37.livejournal.com/16299.html

i can't make a description since i haven't watch it all, just the NEWS wo ABAKE.

Also the documentary parts of the NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD are able to download and screen captures with descriptions as well :) douzo :

download= you can download them @ http://kabooom-x.livejournal.com/8667.html for MU & MF (splited for faster download) and @ http://vendy.blog3.petitmall.jp/blog-entry-595.html for MOFILE (*big files* how to download: click on MOFILE there is page put the numbers that are in vendy's site for the corresponding parts click on pick up then click on download ;) any doubts feel free to comment me :D )

✰1st part of documentary
(screen captions) @ http://riccichan.livejournal.com/418229.html#cutid1
my comments = ♥ each member take turns to film the members :) (part 1)
★first is koyama filming :
  • ryo dancing halfnaked ♥_♥ yeah i know!!
  • koyama starting to get sick
  • koyama & shige share the hotel room = koyato
    ★ryo's next filming:
  • i didn't know shige was tegoshi hairstylist also did his make up
  • koyama graduation confirmed :) (now we know he's already an asian studies graduate with honors and stuff he was even in the university pamphlets *i'm proud* also does he wants to be a teacher??)
    ★shige's turn to film:
  • in a car with koyama,tegoshi and massu they go to the train.
  • they arrive practice flying oh yeah that's crazy haha massu is like trying to make jokes but fails
  • then massu doing some stuff (acrobatics something like that with chairs) really cool yo!
  • ahgoalkf keii-chan in just a towel *dies* and tanned *dies again* ( i love keii-chan' tan a lot )
  • shige tries to do what massu did but he can't :p
  • keii-chan tries to do it too IN HIS TOWEL omg no that's too much to handle *faints* but at the end he can't either
    ★Next tegoshi is filming:
  • ryo and pi reading wrong!! omg is japanese hard?? i want to learn
    massu filming:
  • ryo again half naked doing push ups and yamapi besides him doing push ups too
  • now koyama is sick but he gets member ai but he looks cho kawaii sick :p resting over shige's pillow

  • ✰2nd part documentary:
    screen caps @ http://riccichan.livejournal.com/418393.html#cutid1

  • tegoshi is doing "magic" yeah right and i'm the queen
  • ryo's playing the guitar and massu does situps while eating a lollypop (or honeysweet )
  • koyama get lots of members ai but afterall he gets teased by yamapi even though the hug was cute ♥
  • ryo filming yamapi and saying stuff about pi's lips (he's so pervy) but he's right i want to kiss them too!
  • koyama gets well thanks to the members ai =] i want some news ai yo!
    news in an onsen naked i can't see too dark :'( why is dark?? but at least can see some upperbody oh yesss!!!!!
  • koyashige in the hotel room acting crazy (and we all love crazy guys ♥) till they get tired
    more rehearsal, dance singing and more playing guys after all

  • ✰DVD extra :p
    screen caps @ http://nakatsuu.livejournal.com/26331.html the comments are hilarious as the blog's owner said vids not in order

    each member is treating the rest of the members with food (it depends where they are staying too) pretty much this part is eating and feeding each other specially they feed shige to the max which is really funny!!! love guys ♥

    p.s: can't wait for my DVD i'm sad i'll get till way later but as i'm glad people have posted this in the midtime so the waiting won't be bad :)

    THANKS to the people who takes time in downloading, scaning, posting, screen capturing, etc... thanks for sharing the love with us arigatou! NEWS FANS are the best and you're proof we like to share news love ♥

    NEWS september scans

    holly ..... didn't i told ya so many things to do damn this month = crazyness anyways even though i'm repeating myself over and over is not my fault yo!~~~~

    and i have proofs i just went to my friend's party yesterday I didn't too long went I came back guess what i found more than 20 new NEWS pics besides some screen caption of the DVD and the first part of shounen club with news as guest... i'm downloading, uploading, writing, chatting, etc at the same time sheesss i need more time!!!!!

    but I'm a good person yo! so i'm posting the pics for ya now! :) you got to thank me nuh just kidding you got to thank to the people i credit you can get the pics from there and thanks them :D

    i can't even comment i'm out of words maybe i'll comment them later.

    credit to vendy @ http://vendy.blog3.petitmall.jp/ last two pics credits to charm@yamapi.com.cn arigatou for the pics :)

    I think some people has the DVD (NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story) already maji de?? i want well i just saw some screen captures and they look so cute together awww i love them :) ♥

    there's the first part of the shounen club august with news as guest :) somebody is posting download links i'll come later and post them :P

    well that's all for now ja ne!!!~~~~~~~

    Super Junior - The 3rd Asia Tour: Super Show 3 (2DVD + Photobook + Folded Poster) (Korea Version)

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