After my mom telling me that I look horrible with make up and that I look better without using foundation .... I started to wonder~
truth is my acne was subsided by a lot, I'm not covered by cystic acne... I can actually count how many active pimples I have, I do have a lot of blackheads especially on my nose and forehead but other than that my face is so so much better, yet I have a lot red marks and scars and big pores, really deep scars that makes it look as if I still have acne and it bothers me.
That's the only reason why I wore make-up, I felt like makeup covered up my imperfections and in fact it sort of does but I just hate how it looks it's never the right color I have a weird color to match, it leaves me so greasy looking and doesn't last enough, it turns my red scars into a brown-ish color and in sinks into my skin as I have deep scars it just makes them look worse. But I always went back to make up because it made me feel more secure and covered up!!
But I came to the realization that indeed it just made me look so goddamn awful, as of now i'm wearing a powder really mildly to control the oil, i think i look so much better that way. Also I yesterday I received some mineral make-up samples that I need to try to find my color shade, all in all I feel like my skin looks so much more better, less irritated and more glowly and healthier.
I'm not gonna be the kinda of person who blames their acne on make-up because tbh I think makeup only intervenes with the healing process but I do feel better wearing less.
Of course I can't leave make-up completely because I still need to cover at least some of my ugliness lol and I do enjoy changing my look, so I looked up some natural/organic/vegan make up lines.
Now no way in hell I believe everything companies advertise is truth, I'm not naive! yes there's some things that are better that regular make-up but not everything, is important to read the labels and search about the ingredients and also i'm not rich enough to expend so much money in make-up so I try to rationalize and be smart about my decisions.
I would say...look for balance, not too much, maybe a hump to make u feel better, and of course less is better.
as of now I feel compiled to trow away all those foundations and make-up i don't really use but my mom is not letting me lol wth
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