NEWS (except for Massu) is naked on the DVD yay !!!!!
I'm addicted to Truth by Arashi ~ someone save from buying the single O:
I discovered Question? (from the Jrs.) I hope they're not younger than me, one of them looks suspiciously similar to one guy I liked (I think).
I'll make my future sons/daughters look like chinen or yamada ~ the cuteness is overwhelming.
I soo need to pimp Shounen Club (with Shige as host) again but with screencaps this time, who wants me to do it??.
Cindy say with me:
2 MORE DAYS for us to melt in a pool of gooo xDoh please don't think you annoy me, I finally know someone who is like me, if you think you're been annoying then I am too D=
sorry I didn't answer the comments from before but this are quick post xD and to answer the comments I need to go back and with my internet speed is like :( you know~!! I'm using myspace more right now, you can drop me a comment whenever you want ^___^
Ok about the doctors yeah yeah let's get sick xD well ok maybe not I was sick this past 2 days I don't really know why, I ate the same as the rest soo.. :O unlucky me I guess :/ I felt really bad that I went to work but then went back to my house I couldn't handle the stomach pain I felt *~* but I'm good now ...
I seriously don't know what's wrong with Tegoshi's hair it looks brown here but then in the latest scans (that I'll post later) he looks blonde again, I mean is he dying his hair every month D: poor hair (btw he pitied his hair but he's still doing wth??).
Yeah Ryo permed his hair, like YamaPi did, and like the other
103949249 johnny's did too, I guess is the "in" style right now coz everyone has it. I'm scared *O* hahaha
Shige hair: OF course I prefer him black, but I like his hair like this too xD, have you seen shounen club?, he looked sooo cute, omg I wanted to give him a hug or something ^O^
OH DON'T GO AFTER SHIGE~~ I'll hunt you *evil laugh* I approve you with Tesshi OK OK OK! *innocent*
I know I downloaded too woot thanks (actually is not like I don't want to download because I have lots of space, but the speed is what kills me, I found a LQ one which was easier too download) ^_^ Tegoshi steal Shige's dog xD but seriously Massu is such a kid oh soo cute and Tegoshi at the end, I seriously think he likes to be hit on the head ~~ everything soo cute but so short and OMG I feel soo deprived D=
SHOP is the best action one can do in any moment of our lifes, (I'm restraining myself to not become a shopaholic ~ seriously) Oh my money there it goes ~~
I'm waiting for my Pamphlet, the girl is having problem shipping them because is huge xD about a size of 2 magazines together (which is also the reason why there aren't scans of it xD too big for a scanner, and I don't think there's someone to rip it apart to scan it properly).
Tegoshi had a butai last year too, but it didn't have pamphlet, I don't know why :S (same case with Massu).
Oh RLY?? I liked his dance yay~~ Kusano seriously reminded me of my cousin (who's partially asian). I like him and Uchi as well, I read that Uchi was his real self when he was with NEWS (you know he was in Kanjani8 as well), and he got really well with everyone (reminds me of Keii), and he was the one who kept giving nicknames to Shige xD. I finally discovered why he called Shige gorilla when shige found him the other day (when they were filming drama in the same location), so I felt like Uchi loved NEWS more than Ryo did. Kusano he's closer from where I live, actually I wanted to go to New York (not for him though), but I can't hahahaha.
Obviously Massu cuts his hair, if he didn't can you imaging how long it would be already xD *thinks about Massu with long hair xD hahaha*
again LOL tesshi lol, he can't be more skinny not because he doesn't want to, but because he can't, did you see the preview of the DVD where they're all naked?? Tegoshi looked sooo skinny (all of them did but Tesshi...) I swear that I'll feel fat just
been aroundlooking at them haha D:
Why is YamaPi soo cute, makes me want to kick somebody (wha I'm going crazy already)
Oh seriously is one of the CMs but is not like you missing something as I say is like 1 second of this images that I was pausing each second to figure out what was going on xD.
I KNOW KNOW but don't worry, do like I did last year, I downloaded the whole dvd with SUBs! when I didn't even got the DVD , LOL sooo you'll see the DVD before getting it to your house, fans are like that, I'm sure you'll even see it on youtube the very next day hahaha xD reason was that I was going to Peru between those days so I didn't get my DVD til I came back but I watched it completely totally crazy hahaha. (though by these time around we should get leaks already) where are the sharing fans????
Kum:Seriously woooooooooww that's a long time, my poor 1 year and half seem nothing agains your 4/5 years D:
I know they got hotter *drools*
Everlasting_dream:it was the TEPPEN CM/PV from the DVD.
Please watch it, actually watch the whole show is amusing ♥ Shige looks so cute :3 (if not I'll probably will pimp it later).
Wowwww ok this was more like comment answer than an actual post, is your fault Cindy huahahaha xD.
and I have to say again that Shige was seriously crazy on the latest K-chan NEWS maybe because he didn't went for like 1 month made him like that.... madness~~~~~~
oh oh and I got the latest mag scans (like I said post later), and Ryo talks about Shige in one of them, I wonder what he says, he says something like sorry, ahhh I only recognize Shige's name, and some basic words~~~ damn my Japanese.