Shige butai ~~ ♥

yuyafan09: I get almost all of my news stuff from this community --> news_jpop you have to join to see most of it though~~ and check it like everyday they post so much that sometimes you even miss the stuff the latest K-chan NEWS has Tegoshi as guest ^-^

Momo-chan: Hello there *waves* I'm glad you enjoy reading this blog (even with all my rambling xD), don't worry about it internet is such a headache when you don't have the right one ~ weird computers LOL

YamaPigirl: sorry I haven't been on msn -_-;; but really I have not much time in the internet I get tired from work and they switch my schedule this weeking but I'll be back~!! soon
you were fast~!!! the first pic scared me though as much as I love him that is such a bad screepcap lolol

winter-love00: you need to be massu, then we would need a ryo and a keii-chan and we will be the NEWS girls hahahaha
oh I see mine is from my name lol I always think maybe people might think because of kat-tun or something but is actually my middle name wich is kelly and my last name tirado soo = kriskt hahaha and when that doesn't work when i try to sign up for something then i use kriskta and the a is for my second last name (well we use two last names in hispanic countries I guess).

Since N.E.W.S was awesomeness I hoping for the same with this one muahaha ~ yep cindy told me well you can share plus is better if you watch it together or with someone is more fun~~~ last year I watched it with my little sister who lives in Peru and she was like I want to see koyashige again ~ ahhh and I remember her cousin loved Massu's Ai Q and they use to laugh with the ~ tehee ~~ like he does lol I'm just remembering wow I need to go back to Peru ~!!!

here are the links you need -->


well I think half people liked it half not?? buuuuutt I love it because for some reason I find it cute doesn't he looks really cute in the news for his butai ~~~ and he mades a lot of faces that I lol'd yes just in like 1 minute lol I cracked up when he opens and opens and opens his mouth sooo wide I almost pee XDDDD and the laaaast few seconds of the clip = Shige white shirt with his laptop (is me or he looks skinnier??) alksjfgkjfkjakfjf *________________________* <- dead and he was crying and pouting and soo cuteeee Shigeeeee~~~~!!!!! Also NEWS members better go to his butai I might understand YamaPi's absence though (drama) reporters ask him if the NEWS guys will go and he said no because YamaPi was filming drama ~~~ ooookkk but Massu, Tegoshi, Keii-chan are not filming right? and apparently ryo is free from concerts around the dates he goes to osaka. anyways to the reports ~~ why it has to sound awesome making me want to go *O* omgosh~~ also I decided to buy the poster too muahaha shige + kimono + sword = has to be on my wall ~~
the bullying part yes people this did happened to Shige when little he has said this before in one of his essays ~~ thanks mama kato-san and papa kato-san for encouraging Shige.
why in briefs why why~~~ ;______; *Pulls her eyes out* and I'm not able to see this why why *cries*
the bathroom scene LOLOLOLOL ~ strange noices huh?? I would have died from laughter right there ~~
the Shige fan inniciative to sing happy birthday ~~ that's how fans should be ~!!!

btw YamaPi wrote: Shige Happy Birthday in his j-web ^__^ <-- more reviews (short comments)

YEah I know he looks better with black hair but is interesting too see him with at least other haircolor (just the eyebrowns are too light it should be darker) but still~

well I guess NEWS decided time to change?? hahaha YamaPi's curly hair he all hate it/have hate it but I found it kinda cute when he does the smily faces and stuff and Tegoshi well he went back to brown, Keii-chan went back to blonde, didn't Ryo permed his hair for a while (I don't know anymore), Massu (we know he won't change it ever) and well I just need all NEWS been blonde for the gal-o paradise hahahaha xD

they'll eventually will be back to the track of the dark haired people (plus blonde is not trendy anymore?)

I watched Miss Universe and there weren't many blonde haired girls, even the europeans were brunette~

Congratualions to miss Venezuela but I wanted Miss Colombia to win ~~ well 4 hispanics/latinas between the finalist out of 5 ~~ I feel proud ^^ last year was miss Japan I liked the last suit/tuxedo she wore ~!! I talk about it because it was conversion topic today at work hahahaha.
and thanks to it I also switch my song to Just Dance by Lady Gaga I ♥ it

Ok is there more I need to talk??
ohh yes I wanted to ask how you feel when someone who has been fan before is not anymore :/ I dunno but it kinda saddens me that it can happen to me ~but it can't be possible right?? after showing soo much affection how can you turn around and forget everything, I don't think I'm capable I mean the things I've liked I have good memories of it, I still don't forget I might changed but they are still part of me~ well I know for a fact that in this fandom I have a long road to go it might not be forever perhaps by I'm sure I won't forget been happy here ^-^ (and I guess I got inspired by Shige)

2 Response to Shige butai ~~ ♥

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:21:00 AM

you can't avoid not being a fan anymore 99% because as we get older, our tastes change. we may grow out of things. that happened with me and arashi *whistles*
actually, arashi wasn't coming out with any singles for a while and so i got bored with them~ i mean, listening to the same things over and over (and i couldn't watch anything new of arashi because of the internet. so yeah, i got bored. then i focused on a new group and guess who it turned out to be~ NEWS!!! yay! i barely listen to arashi anymore cuz i only pretty much listen to news now. i feel like i betrayed arashi or something... *sigh* but hopefully i'll continue to love news. it saddens me though when a fan is not a fan anymore...
about other things~ wah! shige's cute with blonde hair. although i really do prefer him with dark hair. and wow~ time for news to change? yay! yuya's back to brown? did he get a hair cut also? it was getting long. and kei is back to blond. i was wondering when he'll go back (not that i didn't like his dark hair) lol massu hasn't really changed. i don't remember anything different about massu ever since news debuted. has he always had brown hair... with the same hair style??? i guess he would look best with that
and thanks for telling me to join. now i can download kchan news!!! yeah! a w e s o m e ~

Thursday, July 17, 2008 6:16:00 PM

Hey Kris!
its cindyy, your new best friend from myspace!!
i reckon that shige looks ALRIGHT to GOOD with his new hair. Some of my friends say that he looks BAD and some say that he looks better, i dont know what to say >< i reckon he looks good whether he has black hair or blond
heard any news from tegoshi??
OMG, i CANT wait for the concert! aakfhaldfa ^^

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