edit:// I realised that people let comments while I couldn't be here so .. I answer a few already for the rest:
moonjava: buy it ! xP at least the LE is not that expensive :) (less that $12 dollars) and YesAsia has free shipping even if is less that $25 it still has free shipping (i think), yeah true you can wait for an Album coz all singles are included in album but they just released on album (on november) and I think we will have to wait for a year or at least 4 singles and so far there's only 2 (if you count Taiyo no Namida) so well if you can wait yeah you'll save money but me I can't wait so I buy it xD ~~~`
forever_rakuen: Thanks for remember my birthday ♥
oh yes people you can use the pics I post here ^-^
end of edit//
Ahhh finally back ♥ well you know as always first thinking about giving you pics and then doing my homework XDDDD ~~~~
Yay we finally got scans wooo hoo but actually I don't really like them I don't know maybe the photographer was tired that or NEWS looked bad :/ but the concert pics always looked good though ^_____^ ♥
oh yeah the concert pics are from the Tokyo Dome concert(s) =] why does ryo-chan looks so short there xD, ohh and they're all hugging together yes including jrs. again what jrs where backdancing I fail knowing jrs :( and they're like my age :'( LOL
I always liked those gloves they were ahh~~~
hahaha Ryo-chan behind Shige it may be a little scary, Tegoshi doing the "terminator" face ok I stil don't get it and it doesn't like terminator :S, I wrote piggie close to Massu coz there is a piggie emoticon you know the one who always uses when he writes on the web.
and finally Pi
naked (I wish) with his shirt open I think I found more pics of that (ang big too) so I may post them later (after I do my homework)
I don't know why this pic look like from past editions (it might be, maybe they didn't have time to take more pics coz they were on concerts so they used all pics perhaps) of course the ones that they didn't used before.
Shige he hold the mic kinda weird doesn't it look? (well at least it this pic)
Oh yeah that was like the little battle mix they did on the concert which people say it was cool (talking about battles it makes me think about summary they did that with kattun), oh yeah shige cosplayed sugata sanshiro on the concert too.
it looks weird when you imagine there's no mic xD
do I need to coment on RyoPi moment?? no?? yeah I thoght that too ..
oh yeahh another thing about the pics, why they look so dark?? they went to the beach or something.. I thought it was winter in Japan.
oh gawd he sweated a lot ne... yeah dancing for like I don't know how many hours ahh ~~!
yeah I know it looks small but I don't want to cut of the sequence (right column), haha massu and the end has one of those cones that are used in the streets for construction and stuff you know which ones (i don't know their name anyways)
I'm pretty sure he's singing "Ai Nante"
Tegoshi looks really cute doing the peace sign ♥
TegoMass OMG I haven't seen this together in so long .. I think..
I'm starting to think he needs to get a new hairstyle XD
Oh yes he desinged the logo for the concert, I think he had skates in the concert tour (or where did I saw that??)
Keii-chan's new drama, oh yeah I completely agree with the dark hair because I mean where have you seen a blonde police... in Japan.. (coz he's a police in the drama)
sorry I lol'd during the whole pics (well except PI and Ryo) it is just tooo ...... crack... oh yeah and that wasn't their stylist fault... O_O
I think Pi looked very good though, and sexy .. hehe ♥ and I think I've saw Jin doing the same pose with the hand on the pants and everything.
Tegonyan choose his clothes, it was simple but I prefer that to other weird stuff...
Well I think Ryo-chan looked pretty decend too, the vest it was all wrinkled though and I have no idea if you can iron that (i think is like that wrinkled)
well Pi choose the clothes for ryo-chan
I don't think is that bad with the exception that the jacket looked tie on him
Well ryo-chan chose his clothes he even put the shoes on Shige omg! and the jacket it was from Ryo's manager (maybe that's why it was small??)
and it started to get super weird omg wtf leopard shirt?? kinda opened with a little tie and a cap (wherever that material is) white?? holging a strawberry...ang googles.. oh and short pants... o_O
Shige I hate you this was your chance to dress him better and with other style but no.. I wanna kill shige seriously.
I wanna know what Keii-chan's was feeling been dressed like that coz is all kind of crazyness combined together
yes you're right it was massu's fault but what it kill is that witch's hat (halloween was moths ago!!) and I saw the pain on Keii-chan's face (the 2nd pic on the left)
Ugly I'm sooo sorry but this pics is so weird he looks sooo weird and I hate the earmuffs =SSSS
I dissaprove of those pics been published on a magazine! omg I sound so mean xD I love Tegoshi ♥
Keii-chan dressed him the outfit wasn't super bad but the pic above was ugly really.
All together it doesn't look that bad except for Keii's hat :/ ryo-chan looks realliy cute on Pi's lap and Tegoshi looks cute, I like Massu's hat is like cute I want!
I told you the con pics were cute, awwww Massu is crying (i think or it looks like) awwww.
Ryo looks weird in the pic so sorry Ryo-chan, and keii-chan's hair looks really dark and shiny ;)
Oh yeah Shige is singing Happy Music, have you heard it?? (listen to it on the bottom video)
more cute pics.!
Shige's happy music from youtube:
the video is not syncronized (is a fan cam video I believe 2006)
here's another fancam video (yes from other point of view) on crunchyroll:
well that's it I just finish in time to go to class
see ya
Kris =]