and just cause for the people who haven't seen YamaPi's new hair or mmm don't want to download it or just cause in the freaking youtube you put yamapi and nothing comes out yeah i found it and dunno how but it is on youtube so here it is:
Presenting YamaPi's new hair and yeah cause he all love YamaPi in black hair.............. and blond and brown and orange we'll still love him
I'm wondering why Seishun Amigo sounds weird ohh it must be some juniors ne?? did YamaPi remembered the song .... yappari he did awww but he look so cute yamapi kyaaaa~~~~
btw: I'm watching Ikebukuro West Gate Park yeah YamaPi was a 15/16 year old boy there so cuteeee~~~ good serie yeahh
I finished My Boss My Hero omg that's two series with Nagase mmm he's hot even if he's 29 don't care hotness overpowers age :P
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