well I really wanted to make a review on TegoMassu appearances but it's not gonna happen soon, my internet is soooo slow OMG like 2 hours for like a 3 minute video?? WTF I hate you internet anyways I haven't seen them myself either I hope I can after a whole day be able to watch them LMAO~~
the only thing I watched was Shige's message I don't know what he was talking about but he makes me melt like seriously how?? OMG so ridiculous ~~ XD
How I love him and his *** KY desu ne** my heart goes kyaaa~~~~ ♥ hahaha
Tegoshi cracked me up too xD, dreaming about that he had a girlfriend cheating with a guy from NEWS who??:Shige LMAO LMAO LMAO ~~~ that has to mean something please girls give me your answer: Why Tegoshi dream about something like that?
oh btw has anybody read Shige latest entries on Wagahai Shige de Aru~?? omg nooo ?? what you fail seriously ~~
if you want to read them join shigesuki (located on the links on the side of the page) if you are a member then here is the direct link :) Is possibly to love him more and more and more???
and now that I remember I think I've discovered why Shige always wears tight pants:
and the answer is...........
his butt lol but seriously I think that's the reason according to this scan (below) he has 91 cm on hips/butt (?), a perfect miss would have 90cm, I have 94cm lol. and yeah he beats everybody in NEWS with that lol well Massu is 90cm but still xD.
well thanks god tomorrow I have free day, so yeah I hope to gain energy meanwhile, I decided I'll work lesser days, I don't care if I get less money I prefer to be more energetic and rested :D so I can fangirl my boyz.
PS> I been cheating on them soooo much hahaha with my other guys. hahaha j/k
yuyafan09: we are 2 now, curly hair is hard to pull off, I don't like it all it's it's like he has a wig or something, :'( I shouldn't worry though since he changes his hair like every 3 months lol
talking about Tegoshi I've read k-chan NEWS with Tegoshi as guest LMAO he needs a girlfriend it seems, but I think is good coz is like he doesn't have one yet =P so yayy for you~~ chance !!
all of them look good, I want their formula they must have drink/eat something I WANT LOL~!
anonymous: the magazines they always are on are: Myojo, Duet, Poporo, Wink Up and Potato, there's more but those are the ones that are kinda like Johnny's magazines, it doesn't mean that it'll have NEWS on the cover but they are always there and obviously the rest of Johnny's groups are there as well.
other's are Oricon Style, TV Guide, Seventeen, etc. etc, they appear depending on what are they currently doing for example, acting in a drama would put them on drama magazines and so on.
I agree with everything else you said :) hope you can find the magazines ;).
winterlove000: just a moment (like aiba said) .... I do get them from there, I guess you may skipped the post or something :S but I didn't get all the ones I posted here from there that was from a friend, but I'm pretty sure I saw them in the communities coz I always check to get the best quality ones =D so mmm search in the tags.
hahaha boyfriends huh? I only want Shige, I only see stupid guys around me I DO NOT WANT T^T I saw some hotties today though :P
Your MASSU love doesn't stop right?? hahaha yeahh we must love them til we meet them ~!!!!
miss you too hope to talk on msn SOON ♥
2 Response to Shige's message to Tegomassu on DB and more Shige ♥
*sigh* i wish i were fluent in japanese. i only understood a little bit of that... T.T
and lol yes, yuya does need a girlfriend. and his girlfriend cheats with a news member??? that is a weird thing for him to want. lmao. maybe he wants it to be like a drama. hahaha~ maybe like in gachibaka (except the girl chooses him instead of massu) maybe he wants a love triangle thing. lol he's weird. and yay! my chance!!! lol
i'm very jealous of them. they are so skinny~ i wish i was that skinny. i need to go on a diet~ yes, i need their formula too. lol
and about shige's pants... i don't mind if he wears tight pants. it shows off his butt anyhow. it's a win for the fans ne.^_^
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since we cant talk yer?
my shortest post here EVER
well buhbaiiz
its 11:10 here atm
we just had an anime convention! hence the RARE picture of me <- it was good fun and a little weird LOLs
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