NEWS August 08 Scans + Shige readings ♥

Hi~~ ^-^

This post is going to be long ... I think xD

Is everyone doing fine? I am, because I'm working one day less (I don't know if I said that before) but yeah now I feel better and less stressed out !!

I also registered for my classes for the next semester, I can't believe we are half a year already time does fly really fast don't you think??
the classes I'll be taking will be:

English II
Enviromental Science
Intro to Hospitality
Mythology (well since I can choose which ever I want)
Principles of Accounting

Today I went to buy some accessories and I found this really cute necklace that looks like a tie, it's cute ^-^
I also bought some earrings :P

I got my Ai Ai gasa single with the DVD included (which I'll be talking about next post... hopefully).

so Now I'm goig to talk about Shige :D, just so you know why is really fun to read what he writes first I'll show you this!!! thanks to w_ryoku @ LJ

hahaha OMG it looks so funny and makes ask myself why I'm poor or why I don't live in Japan :( I sooo wanna see this, if you hadn't notice he has a suit inside the kimono, ohhh and boots lol, it's like a mix of everything together xD from "K-chan NEWS" with Tegoshi as a guest, keii-chan said that Shige is writing/wrote the whole script himself, yet there's still no sign of what the show is really about~!

Shige updates:
everyone knows that the reason why I like him now (besides been a NEWS member which means I love him anyways) is because of his j-webs and essays:

Wagahai wa Shige dearu ~ The cherriblossom are blooming thrid grader (May 20 - June 3 ~2008)

May 20th - Shige gets bullied at Hokaben ~ his grade in acting is a ....
May 22th - Shige's friend job application, why does his friend wants a job
May 24th - The debate about how many towels you use when you take a shower
May 25th - Koyama likes to go to first-class restaurant with Shige
May 27th - Shige envies his friend who speaks english, results of the friend's job application
May 28th - Report of the Seventeen Party that he, YamaPi and Kei-chan attended (as you many saw in the news). YamaPi and Keii-chan are big eaters.
May 31st - Shige's nickname of the moment is..., Day trip report part 1 which lead to Shige to talk in Kansai-ben (dialect)
June 1st - Day trip report part 2 - Onigiris some of the with hot pepper inside who's the lucky to get the spicy one~
June 3rd - Day trip report part 3 - Shige's friends are LOL. Next trip will be to~

read all this complete entries: here~ here!!! be sure to join shigesuki to read the locked entry.
credits to: riccichan @ LJ

there's also the photoshigenic translation, series where many of you may not seem them or may seem the pictures he takes without knowing it such as the pic where Tegoshi looks really cute (with glasses) holding a weird drawing, or where Massu holds a bunny (fyi Massu dislikes animals).

Wink Up April
-Tegoshi is such an artist
-KoyaShige are still the dorks from Never Ending Wonderful Story
-So what color is a dinosaur in the end?
-He skipped his Coming of Age ceremony~ instead he went to party.

Wink Up May
-Rabbit and Massu ??
- Shige is proud to be a lawyer ~ and a cockroach
- He scape and went to Australia, getting scratched by a Koala is sooo normal, he got a T-shirt suntan (LOL) and wants to go again to have a real nice tan.

complete articles over here!!
credits to calasander @ LJ

I don't know If I can love him more than I do now, is just O_O for realz I really really love HIM!!!!!! is so weird OMG~!!!

anyways remember that I said I was watching this spanish soap opera called "Rubi" well it gets me sooo frustated OMG I know the girl was/is evil but I don't freaking care she doesn't have to pay for it ok !! I mean why they don't leave her be happy so she won't do those things anymore~~ is their own fault that she can't change~!!! still I wanted to stop watching it but is addictive~!!! even though I know the ending ~

There's this other soap opera that is call *Sin Senos no hay Paraiso* [Without Breast there's no Paradise] I guess the title says it all ~~

Then there is this show that I've always watch since I was like 12, I love it is really funny and entertaining, it's a peruvian show (I have satellite that's why), so there's this contest with some singers, so they have to do artistic things like dance, act, sing, etc.., it's really cool, there's 3 guys that are participating that I've know of since I was like 10 haha, so I'm rooting for them, specially Luis he's such a sweetheart, really cute :3, and even though Luigi is such fail he looks like my uncle so I support him too hahaha, and Ricky he has bad attitude but I like his voice soo go go go!!! (I should make my own post for this coz is really funny xD)

now the august scans for you~~~ ♥

since I got free time and thanks to this scans (who were HQ) I cropped around so I got a lot more pics xD (you get what I mean or not?? lol)
not so much comments this time coz I don't have time except for the usual aksfalfkjsfjakfj *O* *_____* ♥____♥ HOT HOT HOT, CUTE CUTE CUTE, ETC ETC .. and soo on oh and alksjfkajfkajf (again).

oh and for some odd reason when I uploaded this pics they keep or repeating and I don't really weird so it took me like 100x more time to get them uploaded WTF??

OMG~!!! *dies*

he looks cute anyways ~~~~

he was a baseball player in school right??

Tesshi looks cute here too ~~

it came out small ohh wellz :/

for Shige's myojo essay~


Tegoshi as a Gal-O WTF O_O

some weird dance move I'm guessing

nice pic

Lol Shige LOL!!!

credits: yamapirawks @ LJ and Vivo who send me the scans ♥ ♥

Shige's message to Tegomassu on DB and more Shige ♥

Hello ~~
well I really wanted to make a review on TegoMassu appearances but it's not gonna happen soon, my internet is soooo slow OMG like 2 hours for like a 3 minute video?? WTF I hate you internet anyways I haven't seen them myself either I hope I can after a whole day be able to watch them LMAO~~

the only thing I watched was Shige's message I don't know what he was talking about but he makes me melt like seriously how?? OMG so ridiculous ~~ XD

How I love him and his *** KY desu ne** my heart goes kyaaa~~~~ ♥ hahaha

Tegoshi cracked me up too xD, dreaming about that he had a girlfriend cheating with a guy from NEWS who??:Shige LMAO LMAO LMAO ~~~ that has to mean something please girls give me your answer: Why Tegoshi dream about something like that?

oh btw has anybody read Shige latest entries on Wagahai Shige de Aru~?? omg nooo ?? what you fail seriously ~~

if you want to read them join shigesuki (located on the links on the side of the page) if you are a member then here is the direct link :) Is possibly to love him more and more and more???

and now that I remember I think I've discovered why Shige always wears tight pants:



and the answer is...........

















his butt lol but seriously I think that's the reason according to this scan (below) he has 91 cm on hips/butt (?), a perfect miss would have 90cm, I have 94cm lol. and yeah he beats everybody in NEWS with that lol well Massu is 90cm but still xD.

anyways I been a little bit stressed out coz of work, my mom says I look a little sick who knows I don't know anymore my head hurts enough to don't understand anything.

well thanks god tomorrow I have free day, so yeah I hope to gain energy meanwhile, I decided I'll work lesser days, I don't care if I get less money I prefer to be more energetic and rested :D so I can fangirl my boyz.

PS> I been cheating on them soooo much hahaha with my other guys. hahaha j/k

yuyafan09: we are 2 now, curly hair is hard to pull off, I don't like it all it's it's like he has a wig or something, :'( I shouldn't worry though since he changes his hair like every 3 months lol
talking about Tegoshi I've read k-chan NEWS with Tegoshi as guest LMAO he needs a girlfriend it seems, but I think is good coz is like he doesn't have one yet =P so yayy for you~~ chance !!
all of them look good, I want their formula they must have drink/eat something I WANT LOL~!

anonymous: the magazines they always are on are: Myojo, Duet, Poporo, Wink Up and Potato, there's more but those are the ones that are kinda like Johnny's magazines, it doesn't mean that it'll have NEWS on the cover but they are always there and obviously the rest of Johnny's groups are there as well.
other's are Oricon Style, TV Guide, Seventeen, etc. etc, they appear depending on what are they currently doing for example, acting in a drama would put them on drama magazines and so on.

I agree with everything else you said :) hope you can find the magazines ;).

winterlove000: just a moment (like aiba said) .... I do get them from there, I guess you may skipped the post or something :S but I didn't get all the ones I posted here from there that was from a friend, but I'm pretty sure I saw them in the communities coz I always check to get the best quality ones =D so mmm search in the tags.
hahaha boyfriends huh? I only want Shige, I only see stupid guys around me I DO NOT WANT T^T I saw some hotties today though :P
Your MASSU love doesn't stop right?? hahaha yeahh we must love them til we meet them ~!!!!
miss you too hope to talk on msn SOON ♥

NEWS July 08 Scans ♥

Hello everyone ~~!!!! how are you :3 I though I would be posting this yesterday but it was too much haha coz you know I like to comment the pics soo... it took more time than I though~!!!
but here they are these are all the scans for July from the 5 different magazines (I don't know which from which anymore xD) isn't NEWS looking better and better just remember how they look a few years ago with matching clothes and everything hahaha.

yet looking better doesn't mean that I'm blind hohoho:first: this shoot is about summer but yet they are all cover up like in fall.
wherever YamaPi's outfit seem ok if he's just running, and ryo-chan well we all know he's *small* but not small enough to fit that thing, and Massu with the float thing (omg what are the names of those things *-*) Keii is dressed really..... bad, I mean the shirt?? the booots!!! omg too much, what is he holding anyways, then Shige isn't that thing for the beach and you're all cover up?? show more meat please? :D/, and then Tegoshi + Umbrella I don't know if he's promoting Ai Ai gasa (kasa?) or what! XD

now comes the best scan:
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~~~ that's how I like it LMAO this pic is just I LOVE *O* yeahhh work it out work it out~~~~!!! I think is a sexy pic ♥
then Tegoshi girl *cute* as always, though when I saw the pic below I though oh girl~~~~ xDI like this photoshoot I always like to see memory pics and stuff chibi Pi was really cute anyways~~ and no I haven't get tired of Pi's kissy face I think is cute !!! >:3I like the bottom middle pic it was when NEWS just started is soo cute~~also it makes me remind of Ryo and Uchi (? I think don't really remember) and OMG funny xD if it was from this photoshoot if not oh wellz they should have pictured Massu with more food though at least in the bigger picture, it needs foood~!!!!!!!!!!why can't Shige have pics taken like this is because they know it would cause heart failure or something?? (totally ignoring Ryo xD)this is really random hahaha

Ok next mag: I like Tegoshi's pic in this one (and Shige's of couse)Pi's head looks weird because of that hair nooooo~~ Pi ;__;I don't like Shige here :P, and I like Ryo here (wooww that's was weird :S)Koyama + glasses = looks like a dork ... really xDbad bad bad Tegoshi pic... like really he looks just weird and I don't know what it is too much photoshop eyeliner I don't know what the heck and I think I'm missing a pic (mmm...)

Next Scans: I have too say that they all look good in this one ♥I don't know why but I looooooooooooooove his shirt I want~!!!still curious on what he has in his hands a pin?? ~~ a crown?? what what??I like this pic coz it's HOT but HOT as a girl ohmy gesshi why you look so girly still HOT hahaha ~~ (maybe the hair??)I started to have allucionations with this pics... no seriously I was like if I go out with a guy like him how we would look like and etc.. etc... really serious allucinations LMAOat least the hair isn't as noticeable in this one hahahaI love his bracelets I want this too I want want~!!!
some pics I cropped around...

Ok next set of scans: are these the last ones??
really cute pic but what's up with the sandals I mean at least Ryo's are more common to see in a guy but ther rest?? (well I'm not in Japan so I say this from my point of view) Shige and YamaPi's are really similar not the same though xD.I liked this photoshoot coz it has NEWS bigger I really hope to get this magazine now >:l or I'll get mad grrrr~!!he looks chubby but I bet he's skinny in person ~~ ohmy I hate and more fat that all of them grrr I think ~!!I'm so curious to know what keii's shirt means and I like the pants too ~!!is Ryo really trying to seduce me or what like seriously I think I missed hating on him a little bit and that turned in love?? Noooooo help~!!! Shige *O*my future husband is gonna look like him (obsessive or what?)I like this pic a lot, Tesshi in it and the clothing too I just love the whole set ♥

wait wait I think these are the last ones NEWS + hats = not really my type but wellz
I like Tegoshi face there.... cute
Ryo and Massu saved themselves from trying the hatshow are those things called?? were he is resting on I don't know but they are really nice ahh and it makes me think of beach and sun and relax ~~MY LOVE MY LOVE MY LOVE ♥ did I tell you he's MY LOVE??Ryo sleeping face... what have done to me Ryo grrr >:lOMG~~~ oucchh my eyes I'm blind ~~ he's hair too bright for my eyes but he looks cute though ....What have you done to your hair ~~~;__;This pic is silly I don't know why xDcute NEWS in white = LOVE THEM TO BITSmy KoyaShige OTP :D why they didn't match RyoPi (<-- not a shipper) it looks like I don't know empty UCHI ~~??
well uff~~~ that was tiring~~
credits to: hanayuuni &
Ok that's it for now I think you'll read from me soon mata ne~!!!
Super Junior - The 3rd Asia Tour: Super Show 3 (2DVD + Photobook + Folded Poster) (Korea Version)

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