YamaPi: Kurosagi news & Toshiba CM

Is recently not a few days ago and someone uploaded to youtube so happy happy I love him his hair everything Kyaaaa!!!! ~~~~~~

I don't understand but is pretty much that he's filming the movie and stuff, if you don't understand like me well just admire his hotness..... ♥

and cause yeah we want more YamaPi the Toshiba CM is the last one but he still has his old hair this means the hair he had in ProDai but I love him anyways I don't care what he does to his hair just love ... oh there are 4 (if I'm not mistaken) different versions of the CM with 16 seconds each and I'll just put a few 3:

Don't you just love him oh I read the Seventeen article about him (i think he always has that article if I'm not mistaken) and he was talking about problems and how they are sometimes just random things and you have to move on and stuff [♥] and that he would feel happy if somebody forget about their problems when he was on tv, singing, etc... I really cry with what he said because it makes me think and I really think he's a mature person.. I can't believe I fell in love with someone that I don't know (and who knows if I'll get to meet him), so I really wish that guys be mature like him, cause we (girls) would feel really happy to have a guy like that ne?? well in my case I would be extremetly happy I know it in my heart[♥]

and a pic from the article:
so dreamy ♥ credits will go to yamajinzone @ livejournal (I'm not sure since the person who posted credit like this)
I'm really in love tee heee ♥~~~~~

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