BUT really too much homework ~~ and blah = no time
I do check on NEWS though ---> news_jpop @ LJ (even though is not my only resource center)
I don't know if I'll keep writing in here :/ since I don't have time to update or anything ahhh~~! and I'm more over LJ (why can I say is addictive!)
I haven't been on msn either awww miss you all~!!
Well if you haven't keep up with NEWS lately well Pi graduated (YAY~ even though I still find weird that he have to 1 more semester :/ I mean common we ALL KNOW that japanese universities are bleh (IT'S SOOOO TRUEEEE)
Kei-chan! yeah talking about PI (yes he still talking about Pi LMAO)
talk about Shige and him! and I think kei is such a girl/kid hehehe
and some encounter with Maru (from Kanjani8) and they hang out together
^^^^ fyi is his latest j-web not the ones are been translated over news_jpop (those are old entries ^^)
ahh! since this just came out yesterday ---> There are times when I like Ryo (but those are really weird hahaha) I guess is our evil(ness) similarities so awesome (my comments about it?? scroll down my user name is kris_kt ;) )
and about YamaPi's dance yesterday --> http://kris-kt.livejournal.com/2515.html#cutid1 (you can add me to LJ if you have it ~!)
NEWS is sooo Black right now the only one who's not like that is Massu hahaha but well
and Shige has his hair long now O.O I kinda... like it~~ (even though he and Kei has the same hairstyle now) what I don't like is the color :(
comments section:
comments section:
cindy: I'll talk to you on myspace 'kay!
yenyen: Actually I'll just go for the cheaper ~~ but since for me is almost the same with a difference of 1~2 dollars I just go for CDJapan soo really is not much difference for me :/ they changed YesAsia who used to be cheaper so :'(
and really?? wow O_o I'm kinda surprised by that !! I really am haha
the performance was ok~ mm it was live (so I tell you what you should expect xD)
right now every dollar I get is for my school when I finish my A.A (associate of arts) degree from my college~ after that if I go to a Florida University ~ I'll get 75% paid (since I have a scholarship), but if I decide to somewhere else is gonna be expensier (I would even have to get into debt).
School is been hard at this moment (ohhh life)
everlasting_dream: hahaha that happens when you watch the PV I don't even know how many times (but many!) even in slow motion muahahaha
recycled dance FTW~!!!
dailove: Thank you thank you~~ gosh you make me so excited hahaha xD
(any)NEWS(member)x(any)NEWS(member) is pure love hahaha, they look cute in this PV mmm yeahh they do hehehe ~~ I love the dance xD and if you see the performance I love the hearts and yes MassuShige is paired up there (in the performance)! woot~ ShigeMass LUV ~~~
jinne: yes! I have some please look to the bottom :D but just 1 though to tell you the truth I have so many pics that is a pain to go trought all of them or not really a pain but too time consuming for the actual busy me :/ sorry!
asyuraniel: they are! ~~ thanks :)