***Lychan: no I don't scan the pictures because when I buy the magazine I usually get them reaaaaaally late soo.. the pictures are from the people I give credit to at the end of my post. of course those are higher quality and you may have to download them as rar files.**
Yuyafan09: He is so cute I can't handle it ~~
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Well where to start so many things mmm let's start with TegoMassu new song, as I told you before TegoMassu would be singing ending song for an Anime (Neo Angelique Abyss) their new song called Ai Ai gasa (with literally means love love umbrella, but it's meaning is this --> http://www.japanese123.com/aiaigasa.htm --> basically two people sharing an umbrella is a couple xD).
So let's hear the song
YamaPi in Korea
Summary: YamaPi went on vacation with his friend Jun Shirota (Yuu Shirota's older brother) and his manager
warnings: videos are loud (aka screaming fangirls)
this one is from upstairs? perspective.
so where's YamaPi?? yes under all those girls, where to find him in the video?? just look where fangirl's cameras are pointing to, you can see his hair and his head(sometimes).
closer perspective
You can see Pi picking up a girl who fell down (the girl is on yellow), such a sweethear for real, 'til finally he made it through ~ :S
Ok last one coz seriously there's more but I shall stop~
This one who shocked me the most, Manager kneeled down and everything :S that was scary, YamaPi well he did that a little bit but I think manager was the most affected, and then Jun who was almost left with no jacket ..
Why I've read is that Johnny's (company) have said that fans pulled YamaPi's hair, clothes and he got bruises (or some sort of minor injuries), but YamaPi has said that he's alright.
Some sites have said that this fans (koreans) embarrased Korea.
While other people is worried that Johnny's would make things harder for international fans to approach the artists.
I've also read that since there has been similar incidents like this before those places where such event ocurred are been left out. That's the case of Nagoya (which apparently neither Arashi? and Kanjani8 would go on their tours) <-- and I can't confirm that is just something I've read.
Well yeah is true that fans shouldn't behave like this, but I'm also wondering why there weren't more security and/or as seeing the fans there wait 'til they leave or get more security or something. There are areas where not everybody can go on airports so....
Second questioning is how the hell did the fans knew about it and this was like before hand, is not like oh yeah NEWS is going to film a CM so they'll probably be at the airport so fans wait, this was a personal/private trip so how the new leaked.
Personally and those who said oh common everybody would behave like this, well no~!, coz I happened to be one girl who was pushed and fell down when I went to see a band play, and seriously is scary (I mean I got stuck in the middle), I got hurt and if I fell harder I would have broken my arm, and no one help me!, I got up by myself with all people running around me. So in my life I would be where a bunch of crazy people is there.
Still I'm proud of Pi who behave professionally I'm pretty sure not all artist would be like this.
I hope he is not scared of fans now :O but if he is I would totally understand that.
YamaPi said on his blog that NEWS filmed "Summer Time" PV kyaa and the director was the same as WeeeeK, he said that NEWS was getting along better etc. so yes I'm waiting for Member-Ai/dorky PV. YES!!!
NEWS lawson CM #3 This one is cute too ^-^
LOL Tegoshi, finally there's someone else who they bully XD naahh kidding that happens because Tegoshi is a dork... a cute dork xD
I'm such a cam whore, since I bought my camera I don't stop taking pictures what the hell~~
Yeah I got a haircut, my hair is short now, it doesn't look like xD but my hair was really long before.
first of course is the fav picture I like it a lot I dunno what you think??
me thinking hmmm
Tegoshi-desu ....no idea what I'm doing in that picture
*****~poke 2~*****
I don't really know what I'm doing .... but I blame NEWS that's like I usually am, totally serious person :l
the end..... flying like ryo-chan xD
I think that's all I wanted to tell mmmhm.... I want a header with me and NEWS on it ... ideas anyways.. I suck at photoshop but I'll try something xD
Baii Baii Amigos ~~ ♥
2 Response to Ai ai gasa, Pi in korea, Lawson Cm 3 and cam-whoring XP ♥
the trip in korea was supposed to be private so there was less securiy but then news of yamapi being there was leaked and next thing you know something like this happens...
hey there~ it's yenyen here~
first time leaving a comment XD
poor yamapi~ but I'm proud of him~
Aiai Kasa is very nice~ I hope they will have a single for Tegomasu >.<
p/s: you look cute in those pictures =^^=
wishes yamapi happy birthday tomorrow~
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