NEWS January Scans ♥ [2]

Yay!!! NEWS scans came with the Christmass theme even though is January Edition lol so weird~~~ anyways the boys got cuter and they're showing it in these pages xD ok I sound like an advertiser hahahaha here we go~~~!!!:
Take in count : some of the pics were edited by me maybe you can tell lol for original scans go to the credits (aka at the end of the post)

Best of duet 2007 and of course they had to have NEWS on the cover it was NEWS year anyways =P ....but why Tegoshi you had to look so prettaaahh ; . ;

Ok here are their wishes !! can you guess who's writing is who?? no?? well I'll tell ya if you don't know the kanjis then (though it was kinda indescifrable anyways)
well Red/Pink is from keii-chan (he has a really pretty writing), were it says Yeah .... that's Ryo his writing is just so biGGG, the one with the tree is Massu haha and what's that supposed to be I though it was a cow lol but thinking about it maybe is a reindeer LMAO
Tegoshi's one is on blue, and Shige is the one left below Kei's and he has the cursive kanji (that's how I called it lol)

Holy Date?? Naniii?? o_O maji de??

Awwww cuteness~~~~ MassuPi \=D/ Pi?? are you sad with your gift or something?? maybe it was to small naaa~~?? ... gotta love the fake icecream though

My goodness were to start with their kawaiiness?? ettoo ok one by one then :P
YamaPi chuuing the teddy kawaii ^^ .. MassuPi opening their "gifts" kawaii, Pi trying to eat the icecream LOL, Massu with the humongous glasses ROFL, surprised faces kawaii, Massu thinks "this gifts are all mine hehehe", but sees that and says NO some are mine too grrr, kawaii peace sign face xD, haha YamaPi's face playing the piano !!!, oh no he has a son =O ... wait that's the teddy bear ufff ..

Keii-chan "the reindeer" *giggle*, woww Shige look fabulous but I love the CaKE *droollllllssss*

and this has to be my favorite page .. tell me why do I love this OTP if I want them to be with me ?? maybe I don't want them to be with me enough heck the make jealous and I still accept them *sorryI'mincoherent* and *Idon'tKnowWhatI'mTalkingAbout* *LOLz*
I just have to talk about it xD, What are they doing?? looking closer Shige is on top of keii maybe keii is playing the reindeer ??, then what Shige is??, haha LMAO at Shige's face on the second picture lolol and keii-chan looks cho kawaii with the strawberry, Shige feeding Keii-chan *omgIdon'tKnowWhyIhaveTheseDirtyImpressionsInMyMind* *gasp*, even though Shige is all dame I know he wants that gift I can see it in his eyes, hehehe Keii-chan with teddy bear in his clothes is like soooo cutee omg, Oh No don't tell that those teddy bears are suposse to be Keii-chan and Shige and that they are married because I die right now and I have a bunch of scans to go~~~~~~!!! *runingAroundLikeCrazeee*

haha they are playing the "instruments" lol Ryo with the Teddy bear is just cutee~~ or maybe he grab the teddy that Pi~~ was playing with so they have indirect contact *wtfI'mTalkingAbout??* I see hoshi wo mezashite and weeeek's cds why do they have them ?? ~~ isn't it weird that they have that in the photoshoot?? I'm so guessing that Tegoshi has them with him sometimes .

I was waiting for him to ask did he cut his hair?? he did something is like different but maybe he style it ..., anyways Ryo stuffing Tego does Ryo has a fetish on stuffing people I mean first Shige now Tego and no I'm not just talking about the action I talking about the looks he gaves he does that xD..ok maybe is my imagination that probably too, Oh noes Tegoshi NO did you see that did you see !!! that is fake food, I mean if you as girl probably like me when we were little we use to play with our fake kitchens and give food to our stuffed toys and dolls but what guys said?? don't want to play that right?? can somebody explain why tegoshi is playing with that??, I want you as a boy Tegoshi because that way I can fantasize with you xD, the last piccu Tegoshi looks extremely cute and raptable xD.

OMG kawaiiiiiiii~~~~~ I don't what Massu is wearing though but is getting cold over here so I need one of those.

The married couple guys who like to be together :P I still want that cake and still think Shige looks supaaahh

Is more like a wider version of Ryo hugging the bear and Tegoshi and Hoshi wo Mezashite and WeeeeK Cd

... SHIGE LOOKS OMFGwhatareyoudoingtome HOT, sorry Pi you look funny xD, I like Keii-chan's pose and Massu I think he needs to go to the bathroom haha gomenaa Massu I still love ya!!

Wooowwwwaaaa Pi looks ahhh so hot *goestodreamland*, I think Keii needs to sleep moreeeee, I don't like Tegoshi with a beanie I never did T^T
ok their message, did you guess them?? no?? ok 1st ok black ink top left corner is YamaPi's, below YamaPi's is Ryo's one, Massu obviously is owner of the drawings (in a box), blue one is keii-chan's, blue bottom is Tego's and Pink/red at the right is Shige's~~ ( I have to add that NEWS is so messy lol they even right in top of each other and everything LOL)

Why are they're wearing beanies, PI~~~*O* I want you !!!!!!!!

I want can I have him?? neee neee?? onegaishimasu~~!!!

the pose is like a robot plop!! ~~ maybe is the shoes hmmm or the big clothes HMMM~~

I wanna now if is freezing in Japan it seem like it LOL (just look at what they're wearing xD)

Can I have him in my school?? I'll be so happy to go to school if I can see him xD, I'll even go to the library I TRY to actually read a book lol (I'm a talker can't stop talking if I had somebody to talk to so.. you know that's hard) so then I'll asking about the book he's reading blah blah blah you know the deal....

No Ryo-chan I know what are you trying to do to me, you want me to think that you're cute and that you don't have a sharp tongue whatsoever, and that you wouldn't kill and ant~~ gosh Ok I believe you're nice .. for today XD

I don't like him with a beanie because I think OMG girL~~ maybe I do that everytime but the little pics here are just WOW girL~~~YamaPi's shirt is crazy nee~~~??, 2nd & 3rd row woww shige he's a total hottie, Lol at massu in the last row xDsome picss from Keii on Yukan's Club and Shige's drama.Another NEWS message, but mmm is mostly the same Massu and his drawings, kei and his preety writing, YamaPi just signed, Shige and his cursive Kanji, and Ryo and his crazy writing xD --> I wanna know why he's more neat in Kanjani8's message.haha omg this is so tipic, Massu eating, Keii playing with Shige, Ryo flirting with Tego or viceversa, Shige dead tired - Sleeping and he's really sleeping I know it (he's gonna fall from his chair one of these days LOL )!!! Pi omg cutee!!I don't really like emo theme because I just think that YamaPi is the only one who suits them I agree with most of it.....but I think Shige looks really good here...Kowaii gomena I don't like dark ='(This is the only thing that I like from the photoshops xD can you guess?? well i leave it for homework :P answer in next post which will be tomorrow ^^

credits to vendy @ Hachi

I'm so tired is like wooa horrible can write anymore Bye~!

2 Response to NEWS January Scans ♥ [2]

Monday, March 10, 2008 8:50:00 PM

Hey! Thanks for posting up all the scans hehe now I get to stare at the NEWS boys for hours on end. I was wondering what song is playing on your page. Drop me a message please my e-mail is

Wednesday, April 09, 2008 2:10:00 AM

thank you for uploading those thing. it's really hard for me to get those thing here. besides expensive, it's not always available in every book store. so... thank you and keep uploading.... keep in touch. you can also add me:
share ur info about NewS. I'll appreciate it. thanks

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