Anyways don't you think is interesting this dramas is kinda cool I don't know the little monsters makes me remember of "Sen to Chihiro.." well I'm gonna plan to watch it I have like 0 dramas right now coz I'm not really interested not even on Yukan Club I'm just gonna watch episode 6 because my kei-chan is there :) oh and I'm so watching Shige's SP he looks so hot :O read here --> it says something about NEWS sales in the Oricon where they are one of the best sales with single & album together in japanese history.
I'm so proud of you *tears* I love YOU SO MUCH my NEWS
Guess what today I dream about NEWS omg I loved this dream, Ok I was with NEWS in their work like watching them and they were like practicing the songs and stuff, there was this guy too maybe his manager or something but YamaPi didn't agree with something so like kei-chan told him to tell and he did, and I get this feeling like everybody followed what YamaPi said like the lider you know then, I don't know Ryo and Pi I think they left, Shige and Massu went out too but I don't no where I think to play or something so I stayed with Kei-chan and Tegoshi and I was chatting with Kei-chan a lot coz you know he liked to talk, and then like I don't know I was like attracted to Tegoshi so we were like together (yes like my boyfriend) and so he was like always by my side so he felt slept omg so cute anyways I saw kei-chan like mmm I don't lonely so I started to talk to him again and asked him about Shige and stuff O_O and then I think Shige and Massu came back and I wake up I was like nooooo Tegoshi was like my boyfriend what did it had to end??
and yes I kissed him <-- it was a dream I can't control my dreams who can anyways?? unless is a lucid dream but I never had one you know <--- so don't crush me ok onegai I can't contol my dreams :'(
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