NEWS on Heyx3 posted! (in previous post) I don't know if the videos work in the my page though but I put the links so if you can't watch it you can go to veoh ;)
lol anyways haven't post in days hint*college*hint so mmm I found so nice mag scans so I'll post my comments ^^
Did I say I'm in love with this guys?? oh yes I'm soooo in love ♥ NEWS + Suits = FTW = *me dying while drooling*OMG this pics is like the semx!!!!! this makes me want to have them in my bed!!! i I only.. gosh.. Japan I gotta go someday
NEWS <-- is so sexy and I like it! omg !!! :O i never thought this boys... nvm thanks NEWS you make me creative again <-- my mind is working !!!.....coughdirtythoughtscoughTegoshi come to me!!! ... Ryo-chan's face looks funny and they actually blow the candles while...
....this guys didn't XD... and yes they all want to kiss me that's why they are putting his lips like that they're like preparing themselves.... j/k <-- you can dream right??
That's like hugeeeee .... I want *O*, Pi is like is all about grabbing the bread and looking hot while doing it whereas Massu he just want to eat the whole bread... I can't comment on koyama he actually have it inside his mouth... <-- that sounds weird or is it me???
Massu and Pi sleeping together ?? Awwww Pi sleeping he never changed he looks exactly like when he was 15 --> Ikebukuro West Gate Park <-- where he was in this scene you know he had his eyes closed and surrounded by black feathers... <-- I should write a summary for that drama ... mmm ok someday I'll put in my to-do-list..........anyways wtf is kei-chan and ryo wearing <-- kei's glasses are like hugemongous (?) Ryo's are more normal but still :S.... dorks
exercises.... i have a bad experience about this type of exercise actually it was the same but without the ball so.. yeah poor me :( *it hurt*
I present you the cheerleaders lols this pic looks funny for some reason and Shige looks hot, maybe i found it weird because.. i start imagine them in cheerleader outfits and stuff ... ok i'll stop XP
Well that's it for now, I hope tomorrow veoh stops been a little b**** and let me post the videos or links .. sheez blogger is hating me too it took me a while to get this done or maybe I just too tired =/
OH and before I forget NEWS Omedetou for making it at #1 on Oricon we us fans will support you!!!! lots of love ♥
Credits to ♥
Hasta manaƱa amigos :)
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