Today is another NewS' member birthday (have you noticed that i have "celebrating" a lot lately) lol this month has started nice i think i'm loving it well today is Shige's birthday he's 20 now so he's an adult we'll see the "coming adult" ceremony soon yay!..... yes he's just 20 even if you don't think that well i see him as 20 year old not as 30 (as someone told him lol) anyways he was/is part of the KKK (yay i can say that cause even if kusano is not back in news is back in someway) so mmm what a like about him .... well even if he's not as popular as other members i think he has started to shine more lately... if you ever get the chance to read his j-web or some interviews in magazine i consider him as a cool person and an intelligent one, sometimes romantic well you know what i mean if you read that, i also like his rock-ish side have you ever hear his solo??, and i love the pairing that he and koyama makes (aka koyato or koyashige) well anyways he's more in love with koyama that koyama with him lolz, beside i love his fawhawk (wherever that should be written), and that song that koyashige sings that i found very funny "Chirarizumu" in Shounen Club omg i love that one (and is coming in the DVD so i'm happy) and also his fake smile (even if is fake) cause is always good to smile... for that and much more Happy Birthday.. and even if you are an adult now i don't want you in any scandal (like getting drunk lol).
Happy Birthday Shige, Happy birthday to Ya!
Viva NewS with all of his members together: Member Love 
why this ^ above picture looks like has holes?? i don't understand that's why i put one more picture.

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